Una Stojnić
Inflammatory Language: Linguistics and Philosophy for Pejoratives, (U. Stojnić and E. Lepore), under contract, Oxford, UK: OUP.
Context and Coherence: The Logic and Grammar of Prominence. 2021. Oxford, UK: OUP.
(*Awarded the 2023 APA Book Prize. )
Edited Books:
Oxford Handbook in Contemporary Philosophy of Language. under contract with Oxford, UK: OUP (with E. Lepore)
Metasemantics, Context, and Felicitous Underspecification, forthcoming, Philosophical Studies, (draft)
The Inferential Constraint and If φ ought φ Problem, 2024, Philosophical Studies (abstract | draft)
Change Don't Come Easy: Nonnegotiable Meanings, (U. Stojnić and E. Lepore), forthcoming, Australasian Journal of Philosophy (abstract | draft)
Slurring Words and Slurring Articulations, 2024, (U. Stojnić and E. Lepore), Oxford Handbook of Applied Philosophy of Language, OUP (draft)
Being Called, 2023, Synthese (abstract | draft)
Just Words: Intentions, Tolerance and Lexical Selection, 2022, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research (abstract | draft)
(*Selected for Philosopher’s Annual​, vol. 41, as one of the ten best articles published in 2021.)
Inescapable Articulations: Vessels of Lexical Effects, 2022, (U. Stojnić and E. Lepore), Noûs (abstract | draft)
Anatomy of Arguments in Natural Language Discourse, 2022. Oxford Studies in Philosophy of Language, vol. 2 (draft)
Formal Properties of ‘Now’ Revisited, (U. Stojnić and D. Althsuler), 2021, Semantics&Pragmatics (abstract | draft)​
Fodor and Demonstratives in the Language of Thought, 2020. (U. Stojnić and E. Lepore), Theoria (draft)
Pointing Things Out: In Defense of Attention and Coherence, 2020. (U. Stojnić, M. Stone and E. Lepore), Linguistics and Philosophy (draft).
Content in a Dynamic Context, Noûs, 2019. (abstract | draft)
Discourse and Logical Form: Pronouns, Attention and Coherence, Linguistics and Philosophy, 2018. (U. Stojnić, M. Stone and E. Lepore), (abstract | draft)
Discourse, Context and Coherence: The Grammar of Prominence, In Gerhard Preyer (ed.), Beyond Semantics and Pragmatics, Oxford University Press, 2018. (abstract | draft)
Distinguishing Ambiguity from Underspecification, (U. Stojnić, M. Stone and E. Lepore), in Ken Turner and Laurence R. Horn (eds.), Pragmatics, Truth and Underspecification: Towards an Atlas of Meaning, Leiden: Brill, 2018. (abstract | draft)
One’s Modus Ponens...: Modality, Coherence and Logic, Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 2016. (abstract | draft)
(*Selected for Philosopher’s Annual​, vol. 36, as one of the ten best articles published in 2016.)
On the Connection between Semantic Content and the Objects of Assertion, Philosophical Topics, 2017. (abstract | preprint)
Meaning and Demonstration, (M. Stone, and U. Stojnić), Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6, pp. 69-97, 2015. (abstract | preprint)
Deixis (Even Without Pointing), (U. Stojnić, M. Stone and E. Lepore), Philosophical Perspectives, 27, pp. 502-525, 2013. (abstract | preprint)
What's What's Said?, (U. Stojnić, and E. Lepore), in What is Said and What is Not: The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface, C. Penco & F. Domaneschi, (eds.) CSLI Publications, Stanford, pp. 17-36, 2013. (abstract | preprint)
Book Reviews:
Review of Stalnaker's Context. Philosophical Review, 2018.
Review of Dickie’s Fixing Reference. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, doi.org/10.1080/00048402.2017.1318937